Workout Ways


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Workout Ways

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What should I know?

Who is this website for?

Workout ways is primarily for the average person who wants to make and maintain a healthy, strong body, while pursuing their life and ambitions. The site and it’s ethos is not appropriate for those pursuing INSANE LIFTS or ridiculous goals, nor do I coach Olympic lifts or programs I haven’t personally vetted. This site aims to provide a balanced, structured, guided method for improving your physique.

Check out the forums to interact with people in a similar position to you:

I'm overweight/have a health condition, are your programs suitable?

I am not accredited in any way, nor a medical professional, I’m a passionate fitness communicator, and work through many health conditions in my own training, but that does not qualify me to advise you in this area, you should consult a medical professional if you have concerns about exercise. If you are very overweight/obese, bodyweight training is likely highly inappropriate for you, and you should focus on achieving a healthy weight, refer to my comprehensive video guides in the ‘essentials‘ playlist on the Workout Ways homepage or YouTube channel for assistance with your goals.

I've never worked out before, is it difficult, will I learn?

My programs are designed for people who know nothing about how to pursue fitness, they each come with a full read along guide, full guides for each workout, and full form guides for every exercise in your program AND alternate exercises that are easier as an option. All of these are compiled in your resource page that comes with a program purchase. One of the key factor’s of my programs is giving an ‘enjoyable’ level of effort. The most important factor in progression is consistancy, pushing yourself too hard can inhibit that. My programs are designed such that whether you can do a single pushup or fifty, you can make progress.

Can I workout at home?

My bodyweight programs can be performed entirely at home, and while they are greatly assisted by having at least a set of dumbbells, they provide alternative exercises that can be performed with no equipment.

I can't do bodyweight exercises due to my weight, what do I do?

If your weight is preventing you from exercising, bodyweight workouts are NOT the best way to solve that. Review the information contained in my ‘essentials‘ playlist on the Workout Ways homepage or YouTube channel for a better understanding of how to move forward. Bottom line, if you can’t do a single pushup because of your weight, your objective should be to get to a healthy weight, not to be cruel to yourself by forcing bodyweight training.

How do I know your information is correct?

Frankly, sometimes it’s not. I’m passionate about fitness, and I’m also studying human anatomy, While I consider myself quite shrewd when it comes to information I consume and purport, my knowledge is an ever growing entity, and with gaining new knowledge comes rectifying mistakes, which is something I shall continue to do as I grow and evolve as a creator and communicator. In aid of that goal, there’s a section of the forums dedicated specifically to people pointing out my miss-steps:

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“Life is an uneven footway, we all just need the right shoes.”
