Let me tell you about my
weight training programs.

'Reps in Reserve' Scheme

'RiR' or 'reps in reserve' is used extensively to ensure you're training with a weight that's right for you.

Progressive Overload

The progression schemes utilised within my weight training programs allow you to become stronger over time, without you feeling unprepared for a new weight, or unsure of what weight is right for you.


All programs consist of 3, 4 or 5 different workouts for you to learn and repeat.

Learn About Your Coach

Read about me, my training ethos and my passions.

Your Own Resource Page

Accessed through your 'my account' page, it contains a reading guide of your program, full video guides of all your workouts and full video form guides for every exercise, in order for your convenience.


Purchasing a weight training program grants you a 10% discount on all other weight training programs I offer. This is useful if you want to move to a different version later down the line.


Nutrition/diet is not covered explicitly in the pre-built plans. However the importance and principles of energy and food, hydration and the like are covered extensively within the ESSENTIALS playlist. These videos provide a hugely valuable knowledge base allowing you to tailor your intake to further assist your goals and compliment any plan you might be using.

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Get Stronger

You absolutely will get stronger by following these programs. The progression schemes used in the plans vary depending on the difficulty. Any pre-built program strives toward gaining you strength, muscle size and fitness, utilising a variety of tried and tested progression methodologies that will have you train safely, while making tangible progress.

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Build Muscle

The schemes utilised within these programs are primarily geared toward increasing muscle size and strength. The vast majority of weight work is performed at rep ranges of 10 - 12, and both bodyweight and weight work is tailored by form-focus, time under tension, and RPE (Rate of Perceived Exertion). This is optimal for hypertrophy, but does not sacrifice a large amount of strength progression. The programs do not encourage throwing on huge weights before you're ready, instead promoting a steady progression upwards as you become more capable.

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Which difficulty for you?


Choose Beginner If...

You're new to training

Zero experience? No worries, these programs and workouts have full guides to get you started.

Can't do 20 or more pushups.

If you can't perform 20 or more good-form pushups, or even 1 pushup in a set, the beginner programs will work just fine for you.

Never enjoyed working out.

If you've not enjoyed working out before, these workings allow you to push and progress at your own pace.

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Beginner Program Ethos

Make Fitness Accessible
We all deserve healthy bodies, I take pride in providing accurate information about how to do that.
No Lofty Goals
My programs provide a simple, easy way of improving and maintaining fitness, without taking too much of your time.
Perform Safely
Your account page provides you access to your resource page, which contains your program reading guide, workout guides, and form guides for every exercise. You can be confident that you're working out correctly.
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Choose Intermediate If...

You're been working out for a while.

If you're coming up on a year and a half or two years of consistent training, Consider an intermediate program.

You can easily do 20 or more pushups.

If you can perform 20 or more good-form pushups in a set, the Intermediate programs will work just fine for you.

Enjoy pushing yourself occasionally.

If you like challenging yourself without wrecking yourself in the gym, intermediate is the level for you.

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Intermediate Program Ethos

Nurture a Passion
Some people want to take their fitness further. With some new and more challenging exercises and progression schemes, intermediate programs facilitate that.
Temper a Fire
Sometimes a lust for progress can cripple that very progress, intermediate programs allow you to push yourself on a correct vector.
Perform Safely
Your account page provides you access to your resource page, which contains your program reading guide, workout guides, and form guides for every exercise. You can be confident that you're working out correctly.
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Choose Advanced If...

You're been working out for 4 or 5 years.

If you've been on the grind for almost half a decade, the advanced programs will be perfect for you.

You can do 50 or more pushups.

If you can perform 50 or more good-form pushups in a set, the Advanced programs will work just fine for you.

You like to go HARD

With challenging exercises and new progression schemes, advanced programs cater to a select group of people who grind for their progress.

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Advanced Program Ethos

Guide a Rocket
Ambition without guidance is dangerous, you want to work hard? Get the best results you can? I'll point the way, you've proven you can do the rest.
I have much to learn as a trainer, trainee, and as a person. I hope those more experienced than myself can offer their feedback on their time and experience with these programs.
Perform Safely
Your account page provides you access to your resource page, which contains your program reading guide, workout guides, and form guides for every exercise. You can be confident that you're working out correctly.
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Have a look at the programs on offer for beginners.


Have a look at the intermediate programs on offer for those familiar with training.


Have a look at the advanced programs on offer for those who love to go HARD.

Sample some form guides.

Every exercise has one!

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Frequently Asked Questions

Everyone starts a beginner.

How often should I workout?

As a beginner, your body stays in a state of muscle protein synthesis for longer, up to 48hrs as an example, whereas an experienced person’s body would only maintain this for 24. This ability or ‘state’ is referred to in the fitness world as ‘noobie gains’, essentially it means as a beginner, you can make progress quicker and easier than you will later. Aiming to work out 3 times a week when starting out is a great target, as recovery is just as important as stimulus. More important however, is your ability to stick to your program. Consistency is the most important thing here. Pick a plan that you can stick to. My programs offer a recommendation of how to schedule your workouts as well in the program itself.

What time of day should I workout?

It really doesn’t matter. Everyone will feel differently, find a time where you consistently feel good, and do it then. Bottom line, whatever, whenever allows you to keep consistent with working out over a long period, that’s the best time for you to workout.

How long are the workouts?

Workouts in my programs last for around an hour on average.

Do I need to warm up?

Warming up for a workout is often done wastefully, in my programs and as shown in the video workout guides, our warm-ups are specific to the work we’re about to perform, with quick, efficient warm-ups performed shortly before working a muscle group. There are no elaborate, time consuming boring warm-ups.

Does my program include cardio?

Workout Ways programs currently do not have specific focus on cardio, though I do recommend pursuing cardio in addition to my programs. An app called ‘couch to 5k’ is good for getting started.

Isn't weight training better for muscle?

Your body doesn’t know what you’re lifting. It just acts and reacts to a stimulus, it doesn’t matter what causes it. That said, weights offer some desirable advantages in terms of ‘progressive overload’. The ease at which you can increase the stimulus by adjusting weight without adjusting rep ranges is optimal for goal-focused training. However bodyweight training has advantages such as being able to perform almost anywhere, which helps with the most important factor, consistency.

Is there any terminology I should know?

All of my programs contain a glossary that lists and explains any fitness terminology.

What do I do on my rest days?

Your rest days are extremely important for recovery and muscle growth. You grow while resting, not while working, so be as strict with your rest days as you are with your workouts, they matter just as much. Your program will have a recommendation from me of when to implement rest days.

How do I motivate myself to workout?

Motivation will come as a natural result of seeing progress, which can take many months, this is why it’s so important that you track your workouts, so that you can look back on how far you’ve progressed. Remember though you have to put in effort first to enjoy the results, waiting around for motivation to hit you won’t work. Your desire to change and improve IS your motivation. With my programs, you can rest assured that you have an efficient, concise road forward.


I sampled these questions from this website that compiled a list of questions from beginners: https://www.sweat.com/blogs/fitness/questions-every-fitness-beginner-asks#ImStrugglingToGetThroughMyWorkoutsWhatShouldIDo

I answered them from my own viewpoint and knowledge base.

Stil have any questions?

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Weight Training

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